miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023


One reason for choosing this video is that it allows students to see and hear their peers using English in a practical and fun way. It also encourages creativity and imagination as they explore different foods and recipes. 

The learning objectives for the session and sequence of activities are:
1. Developing vocabulary: Students will learn new food-related vocabulary and terms related to cooking and recipes. 
2. Enhancing listening and comprehension skills: Students will practice listening to spoken English, understanding instructions, and following along with the video. 
3. Encouraging cultural awareness: Students will explore different foods and cuisines, expanding their cultural knowledge. 

The sequence of activities is as follows: 
1. Introduction: Show the video to the students and elicit their initial thoughts and predictions about the content. 
2. Pre-viewing vocabulary: Introduce and review food-related vocabulary that they may encounter in the video. 
3. Flipped Class (optional): If you choose to flip your class, provide students with a vocabulary list and encourage them to watch the video at home and take notes on the recipes they find interesting. They can also anwer the questions in the video. 
4. Viewing the video: Watch the video together as a class, pausing at key points to discuss and clarify any language or concepts. 
5. Post-viewing discussion: Engage students in a discussion about the recipes, asking questions about their preferences, ingredients, and steps involved. 
6. Hands-on activity: Depending on the resources available, you can adapt the activity to allow students to create their own simple recipes or discuss their favorite dishes. 
7. Reflection and language practice: Lead a group discussion or pair students up to share their experience, using target language structures and vocabulary related to the recipes. 

The high points of the experience are: 
1. Active participation: Students will likely enjoy the opportunity to engage with the topic of food and cooking, making the learning experience more enjoyable and meaningful. 
2. Authentic language use: The video featuring kids can serve as a model for students, demonstrating how English is used in real-life situations. 
3. Cultural exploration: Students can broaden their understanding of different cultures and cuisines, fostering a sense of curiosity and appreciation. 
4. Creativity and personalization: Encourage students to add their own twist to the recipes or share their favorite family dishes, allowing for personal expression and creativity. 

Some suggestions for improvement could be: 
1. Incorporate more interactive activities: Consider adding role plays, games, or group tasks that involve using the language in a more interactive way. 
2. Provide additional support: For students with lower English proficiency, offer visual aids or simplified instructions to ensure they can follow along and participate fully. 
3. Variation in recipes: Introduce videos with different types of recipes, including vegetarian or international dishes, to expose students to a broader range of vocabulary and cultural diversity.

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2023



A través de esta actividad, los alumnos refuerzan la comprensión escrita, ya que necesitan leer y comprender un texto largo para luego resumirlo exponiendo las fechas y datos más importantes. Utilizar la aplicación TimeToast supone algo más motivador y gráfico para ellos. Unas de sus dos mayores ventajas es que es gratuita y fácil de usar, ya que los alumnos pueden crear líneas de tiempo en minutos sin la necesidad de tener conocimientos avanzados de diseño o programación.

Para hacer esta actividad, primero se proporcionaron varios personajes relevantes, así como varias fuentes donde buscar información, por último se presentó TimeToast y se les pidió que mostraran entre 5 y 10 acontecimientos relevantes en la vida del personaje elegido. Aunque en general se mostraron interesados en saber cómo funcionaba la aplicación, el principal problema para utilizarla es que requiere de un ordenador con conexión a internet, cosa que a veces falla en clase. Además, encontramos problemas para subir imágenes y para poder personalizar más la línea del tiempo, ya que utilizamos la versión gratuita.

Los objetivos de la actividad eran repasar la comprensión de textos en pasado y fomentar la investigación y el trabajo en equipo, ambos fueron conseguidos de una forma lúdica que no requiere demasiada preparación.

martes, 9 de mayo de 2023



In four pictures, people are reading books, but one of them it is a e-book, whereas in the last picture, the man is reading a magazine.  In most of them, readers have chosen the book they want to read, except maybe for picture number five. We do not know the context of that picture, and maybe the students chose that book to be read, but it seems quite unreal that all students want to read the same book at the same time.

Maybe because of this, they are not really enjoying the reading, as in this case it is something mechanical and with no real intention.

Talking of what I enjoy reading, I prefer paper books with a story with a little bit of intrigue. I also have an e-book, but I still do not get used to it, although it is very useful when you do not have much space at home to store books. Although in my degree I have read more books in L2 about grammar and language in general, I enjoy reading fiction books both in L1 and L2.

Nowadays, as I have a little boy, I do not have much time to read but I miss it so much.